Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mystery Shop in Ballimaran

Some one please tell me what this shop in Old Delhi is actually selling? And to whom?
Ballimaran, I am told, originally used to be the mohalla where boatmen lived. They rowed boats on the Yamuna. 

Today, only a few things are known widely about this area - a lot of people know that Ghalib's haveli (where he died) is here in Ballimaran. Rickshaw-wallahs will gladly take you there. The jooti-market is here, selling colourful leather mojdis and shoes. Then there are lots of shops selling spectacles and sunglasses; apparently this is a wholesale centre for opticals. The varq-makers live here, tapping out thin silver foil to decorate traditional sweets. And there are lots of small eateries, offering Mughlai and Afghani food. 

But the shop above - it doesn't fit into any of these, and I can't quite figure out what these various wooden rings and beads and what not are. Some of it looks like metal, some like plastic. Help!


  1. Deepa, this jewelry is made of animal bones. You see them in lot of Gallis in Old Delhi. In one particular one you can see the animal meat being sold in one side and the beads and necklaces made of bones being sold on the other side.

  2. Jab photo kheencha tha, tab utar kar khud hi kyo nahi puch liya? kabhi paneer ke baare mein poochti ho to kabhi kuch aur... KBC chala rahi ho kya?

  3. I'll go back and have a look! The sign above the shop says Wooden Works.

  4. Anonymous, this photo was clicked from a rickshaw, I wish I had stopped and asked! Next time!

  5. We've been past this shop and taken photos there. It's definitely wood, inside the shop they are using lathes to shape the pieces. But, we don't know what these are used for, either.

  6. Well Ballimaran is also supposed to be home to a rickshaw puller now an autorickshaw driver - supposed to be a direct descendant of the moghuls.
