Saturday, June 9, 2012

Malai or paneer? I can't tell!

I clicked this photo outside the Fatehpuri Masjid in Chandni Chowk, but we were walking past too quickly and I couldn't tell if it was paneer (cottage cheese) or malai (cream). Do you know? I assume it is paneer, but someone told me it's malai (hard to believe?).

And if it is malai, then why is he selling it in giant slabs like this? What do you make with it?


  1. It is Paneer. Malai is more of a liquid consistency

  2. definitely Paneer..if u go to a dairy, they always keep it like this.

  3. It is paneer......try the famous paneer tikas of delhi.

  4. It is paneer. The reason for giant slabs is the wholesale nature of these shops. Haryana paneer bhandar and another one adjacent to fatehpuri masjid are quite famous in this trade and I believe there is a market for only paneer trading here in early morning hours.

  5. Lol.. no one is talking about the poster which is behind the vendor - it reads - "paneer bhandar" of which "..eer bhandar is visible"
