Sunday, August 29, 2010

I discover a world of anklets and toe rings

I'm just back from another trip to Rajasthan, and I've brought back some keepsakes - silver toe rings and a chunky silver anklet. I bought them from the airport shop in Jodhpur. Stupid, I know, because everyone knows an airport shop is overpriced. But they were irresistible, you know?

You see, all through my two Rajasthan trips this month - and through previous trips - I have been looking at the local women and their feet. And their anklets have me completely mesmerised.

Like this Rabari woman, so confidently striding past me with her camels. On her feet she wore torn canvas shoes; but above them were solid anklets of silver. Two anklets on each foot, with a solid-sounding clink.

And check out these women at the "haunted" town of Bhangarh - the older woman wore a thick anklet that was welded together, she said they would never come off as long as she lived. I have never seen toe rings like the ones she wore either, they were on her big toe.

More recently, I found these cute small toe rings peeping from under the skirt of this lady near Osiyan.

At Rohet, I met this Bishnoi elderly woman, with a weather-beaten anklet.

Even the little girls have anklets on their feet. This pair of sisters are from a shepherd's family near Jodhpur.

On the highway from Delhi to Agra, at the restroom of Maharaja restaurant, this sweeper woman had jingling anklets, and shiny toe rings.

Close-up of her feet. They say the French woman announces herself with perfume. The Indian woman, you can hear her presence before you see her.

And check out this woman with the red skirt at the Clock Tower market in Jodhpur. See the anklet on that jaunty foot?

With all that silver around me, clinking and jingling, how on earth was I to resist ? I gave in, and I have to say, I'm delighted with the results.

This little bit of Rajasthan is going to stay with me, folks!


  1. Love this photo feature.

    Regarding the toe ring on the big toe: when I got married (to a UP brahmin), there was the toe ring ceremony in which they put a ring on each of my 10 toes. Special ones for the big toe. so I think it must be common in this part of the country?

    Different mater that I can't wear any toe rings on a daily basis, because my toes are too thin - unlike the rest of me - LOL

  2. Nice pics and your love for toe rings and anklets has gotten contagious I feel. Gr8 silver souvenir in the last pic.
    Guess I will head back home and take out my silver anklets/toe ring (we call it metti) from the locker and try it out :)

  3. Great information. Being a brand new blogger We are learning a lot through these types of content maintain the great task.

  4. Excellent write-up together with truly valuable tips. Thank you for putting it together.

  5. hi , i love the anklet your wearing. I'be been looking for them everywhere in the UK, where did you get yours? and is there a purpose behind wearing them?

  6. i love the anklet your wearing, where did you get from? i've been looking everywhere in the UK. can't find it anywhere

  7. Great designs especially the shining toe ring the sweeper was wearing and the beautiful anklet worn by the lady in tha shop.

  8. woww awesum great design of anklets, especially round bangle type anklet.. i will fgive five star to this post

  9. Lovely shiny toe rings the sweeper is wearing and the anklet worn by the lady in the red skirt at the Clock Tower market is simply mind blowing. I just imagine the tinkling sound it makes when she walks. The sound very soothing to the mind
